Electric bills are due and payable upon receipt. Accounts are considered past due if payment is not received in our office on or before the Current Due Date printed on the bill. Please note the current due date applies to current charges only. Any charges listed on the left side of the bill are already past due. The following is an example of the steps in the delinquent /cutoff process.
- Bill 1 is mailed. Current charges are considered past due if not paid by the Current Due Date printed on the bill.
- If the account remains unpaid after the Current Due Date, a late payment penalty is added. The penalty will be the higher of $5.00 or 1.5% of the unpaid balance.
- Bill 2 is mailed. Unpaid balances from prior billings will show on the left side of the bill. These charges are already past due and subject to disconnection. This bill will have the CUTOFF NOTICE printed on the left side of the bill. This is the only notice you will receive. An insert in you bill, “Cutoff Notice” will detail the amount of service charges if your account is disconnected and will list agencies that might be able to help you. If your account is not paid by the date stated in the cutoff notice printed on your bill, your service is subject to disconnection. In the example below, the previous charges (past due) is subject to disconnection after 11/07/2016. The due date for the current charges is 11/28/2016.
- If your bill is past due and subject to disconnection you must call our office before the date specified in the Cutoff Notice (in our example this date is 11/07/2016) If you need to make a payment arrangement. You can have one payment arrangement per quarter. If you need payment assistance, Haywood EMC can supply the names of agencies you can contact to see if you qualify. There is also a list of agencies on the insert included with your bill. You must make your payment arrangement or have a voucher from an agency before the subject to disconnection date on your bill.
- If you have not made a payment arrangement, gotten a voucher from an agency, or paid the bill on or before the subject to disconnection date on the Cutoff Notice printed on your bill, your account may be disconnected. We do not make payment arrangements on cutoff day.
- If your account is disconnected for failure to pay, you will have to pay a service charge for the disconnection, a service charge to reconnect the service, your past due bill, and a security deposit if you do not currently have one. An existing security deposit may need to be increased before reconnecting. If you pay to reconnect from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. the service charges will be the standard service charge amount. If you pay and request reconnection after 3:30 p.m. you will pay the evening service charge amounts which are significantly higher than the standard service charge amounts. The amounts of the service charges are detailed in the insert included with your bill. All charges must be paid before the service is reconnected.

Avoid service interruptions, late payment fees, service charges, and additional security deposits by paying your bill before the current due date for each month’s bill.
If you have turned off paper bills and are only receiving an e-mail or text message to notify you that the new bill is ready, please be sure to actually view the bill in case there is a disconnect notice printed on the bill.